Doctor Who: Classic Series
Near to half a century ago, creaky black and white British Television yielded what is now a TV institution, a UK Legend and recognizable brand around the world today. Here's where the world's longest running science Fiction TV show started. With easily one of the most flexible formats in an action adventure series - An eccentric and nameless alien scientist only ever referred to as "The Doctor" who can go anywhere and anywhen in Time and Space with a ship 'stolen' from his own people and always ends up the troubleshooter landing in a dangerous situation wherever his TARDIS takes him. Normally dragging his willing or unwillingly travelling companions along for the ride.
Long ago the Doctor's ship, The TARDIS was stuck in the camouflaged shape of a Police Telephone Box of 20th Century Earth now a recognized spaceship the world over. Without it the Doctor's adventures would be minimal and he would doubtless barely survive the changes of appearance he has been forced to undergo several times to avoid dying of life threatening injuries. During the classic series he survived through seven different incarnations, the Mysterious Grumpy Grandfather ( William Hartnell) and Cosmic Hobo ( Patrick Troughton) of the black and white sixties era. Into colour with The Action Dandy ( Jon Pertwee) and Bohemian Adventurer ( Tom Baker) of the Seventies. The dashing Edwardian Hero ( Peter Davison), the Colourful Avenger ( Colin Baker) and Cosmic Manipulator ( Sylvester McCoy) of the Eighties. Finally the very short lived exuberant Englishman( Paul McGann)who appeared in the Dr Who comeback Telemovie in the mid nineties. Each era of Doctor Who being a contrast to the one before.
Now to follow his adventures in depth as he prevents invasions, brings down planetary dictatorships or deals with a time line gone wrong.
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