The Krotons REVIEWS

Ummmm, as to what's happening in the last photo you provided I'd say Jon Pertwee has just arrived on set for the first time. Actually thanks for the photographic reference there Grob, jogged my memory, as I couldn't remember much of this one - except it 's the episodes where Zoe runs around in a PVC mini skirt. Knew it happened somewhere and the eyes were always on her for every scene. This story was stock standard late Troughton period where the series was drawing to a close everyone had decided to move on and were extremely tired and it looked like the show may even finish. The Krotons were clunky and looked like big vaccum cleaners with Lost in Space robot arms, the supporting cast based on stereo typical characters, the wise but flawed leader, his rebellious son, the rebellious son's devoted girlfriend with the big norgs, the scheming-for-power councilor who wants the top job etc. but all acted competently, though the younger actors must've been bland as don't remember anything at all, sort of recall Madoc doing his raving best and amazing to think that this was Robert Holmes', first ever script, not his best but what great writers ever get it right first time round? For some reason loved the location work they did, it looked very well done. The whole regular cast still sparkle.
Don't know why this story gets knocked as much as it does think they are far worse missing stories that they're thankfully very little of. If not for the shine of the regular cast it would be hard to watch some scenes without them can make you nod off. 7/10 - had to give it an extra two points for Wendy's dress sense!

Okay, are we all back from a quick visit to the toilet cubicle? Right, lets begin. As Goldby so rightly said, the Troughton's are just whizzing by. So lets be grateful for what we are about to receive. Don't actually mind this one. Its quite predictable and has one dimensional characters, dull ranty monsters, is filmed in a quarry and has fuck all budget, but hey so what? It just gets on with telling the story and telling it as good as it can. Its Robert Holmes' first script too so there are some nice pieces of dialogue. Phillip Madoc (Solon from the Brain of Morbius) is here too, out acting everyone else and making the most of chewing the scenery.
Speaking of which, the production values are well and truly on display here at the very first scene when the hatch door opens and then gets stuck! If this were are a Hartnell I'd probably be throwing things at the TV screen, but its Troughton at his finest here and Jamie providing the comedy and Zoe in her PVC outfit that does it. There is also comedy a-go-go here when the Doctor and Zoe get to have an intelligence test and the Doctor screws it up while Zoe romps it home.
The Krotons themselves are pretty boring. As the great Terrance Dicks observed once; "LOOM! All they do is LOOM!!" and he's right. The production team couldn't even get them to even move! So they were filmed standing still, raising their guns and - well - looming. In fact the bickering between the Krotons reminds me of the two bastards in The Dominators (or as Tim called them; the Paddlepop Men. Tim also coined the phrase "Bendy-over man", too) Although its very very piss funny at the end when the Krotons get defeated and their funny heads start spinning round. So in all, its pretty naff story-wise but everyone and everything makes it worth watching in some way. I reckon the DVD of this will be pretty damn cool, too.
Again, its a 7/10. Now go back to perving on those thighs.

Wow - I thought I was going to be alone in saying that I didn't really mind the Krotons... and I thought maybe I was being a bit kind giving it a 6!
So anyway, I don't mind this one!
I have to admit, apart from the PVC skirt, I don't remember too much of this one, but for it being a little similar (in parts) to the brain of morbius perhaps (with the fear of the unknown power thing), and also maybe a little similar to Keeper of Traken in bits too.
OK, the title aliens themselves were a little bit hokey, but overall this was a nice little short (in comparison to other stories) and straight to the point story!
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